Versatic™ Acids for Tire Cord and Rubber

A Tire-Bonding Breakthrough

Hexion’s Versatic Acid plays a pivotal role in the world of rubber and tires by providing outstanding rubber adhesion between the rubber and the tire cord in steel-belted radial tires. For car, truck and bus radial (TBR) tires, cobalt salts of Versatic™ Acid 10 (link to Versatic Acid 10) provide: 

  • Unbeatable rubber-to-steel adhesion (link to excellent R2S pdf) between the rubber and steel tire cord.
  • Adhesion excellence right from the start.
  • Excellent adhesion even when things heat up, get humid, or turn corrosive. Our adhesive maintains excellent adhesion, keeping rubber and steel tightly connected.

Learn more about Versatic Acid 10

The alternative to 2 EHA