This month, Hexion Inc. successfully completed REACH compliance with the European Chemical Agency (ECHA). Compliance requires the registration of all substances at or above one ton per year manufactured in, or imported to, the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area. By registering, Hexion can provide additional transparency into the safe handling and use of its specialty chemicals and performance materials – further demonstrating its global commitment to Responsible Chemistry.
REACH regulation was introduced by the EU to guarantee a high level of protection for human health and the environment, to enhance the communication on handling chemical products, and to preserve and improve the competitiveness of the chemical industry in the European Union.
Those registrations, generated by the industry, are stored and published by ECHA in the world’s largest public regulatory database on chemicals and forms the basis for protecting citizens and the environment from chemical risks. ECHA, the EU Member States and the European Commission will use the knowledge to take action where necessary, for example, by restricting or authorizing certain uses of chemicals.
“It took a lot of effort and coordination within Hexion teams, as well as with its external partners,” said Karen Koster, Executive Vice President, Environmental Health and Safety. “For example, our epoxy business alone successfully submitted a total of 32 registrations with ECHA Thanks to the successful cross-functional REACH teams and their engagement and commitment, we were able to achieve this important milestone.”
While the May 31, 2018 deadline marks the end of the journey of closing the data gap for existing chemicals, registration is just the start. As always, science evolves, new chemicals are developed and products change. That’s why this is an ongoing project that will get the highest attention within Hexion. As Hexion develops new chemistries, the Company will continue to work on the REACH aspect of its products and raw materials.
For over 100 years, Hexion has been advancing specialty chemicals and performance materials. Everywhere you look, everything you touch, you can find Hexion’s chemistry at work to make your world better, safer, and cleaner. REACH compliance is just one more example of Hexion’s commitment to safe manufacturing and community involvement on a global scale. This is the responsible path forward. This is what we call Responsible Chemistry.