
Curitiba Provides Food, Hand Sanitizer to Community in Need

April 30, 2020

Curitiba Donates Hand Sanitizer to Local Health Institutions

To support society in the face of the problems brought by COVID-19, Hexion in Brazil donated 100 gallons of 5 liters of hand sanitizer to health institutions that have had difficulty in acquiring this product in the necessary quantities.10 gallons (50 liters) were donated to INCOR in São Paulo, a critical place to fight the virus and 90 gallons (450 liters) were delivered to the Worker's Hospital that serves the Industrial District region of Curitiba.

This donation was made with the help of AECIC, represented by Mr. Barreto, Mrs. Maria Cecilia (Manager of Institutional Relations) and Mr. Celso Gusso (President of AECIC) - each pictured above.

Additionally, this would only have been possible with the commitment of several Hexion employees in Curitiba, including Willian Oliveira (Procurement) and Rafael Jaeger (Manufacturing in Curitiba).

Curitiba Associates Provide Food to Local Community

Recognizing that many are unable to leave their homes or don't have access to the food they need, Hexion's HR in Brazil has partnered with Menu, a food supplier in the Curitiba's cafeteria to provide ready-made daily food and a small bottle of juice at cost price to local community members in need. Hexion has committed to covering the cost and delivery of the food. Each complete meal costs approximately USD 1.30, with the goal of providing a well-balanced meal - as many recipients of the meals may sadly only have access to one meal a day. Additionally, the associates partnered with AECIC (Association of Companies of the Industrial City of Curitiba), which sought volunteers to help distribute meals to those in need. Associates began delivering 50 meals daily starting on April 20 and have since increased their capacity and now deliver 100 meals a day, including on weekends and holidays. We continue to look for opportunities to allow our associates to support our local communities during this challenging time.

Congratulations to our team in Brazil for their excellent efforts!