
Achieving an incident-free workplace

May 20, 2020
safety at hexion

At Hexion, we have a clear priority around working safely and are committed to the possibility of an incident-free environment for all our associates and stakeholders. We are responsible, engaged and focused on reducing exposures across the value chain. Our people continuously look for ways to eliminate exposure and work to create a culture that supports trust, open communication and continuous learning.

"Get Zero Get Home…"

Hexion has created a cultural change program targeting a reduction in Severe Incident Factors (SIF). SIFs are defined as high-risk work activities which, if not properly controlled, could result in serious injuries, permanent disabilities, and/or fatalities. Called “Get Zero. Get Home.” this cultural shift in thinking has increased awareness of workplace conditions and activities that have the possibility of putting associates, contractors and visitors at risk. With our diligent focus and the continued execution of our health, safety and environmental strategy, Hexion experienced the following improvements when compared to 2013:

In the last 5 years Hexion has experienced:

  • A 57 percent improvement in environmental incidents,
  • A 70 percent improvement in Hexion SIF recordable incidents and
  • A 67 percent reduction in SIF recordable incidents involving contractor.