Our Products

Products by Brand

Hexion's diverse products span numerous applications and industries, offering a range of possibilities. Our top-notch technology creates end-use products that add convenience to your everyday life, and help you hit those industry benchmarks sustainably. Trusted globally for our performance and ingenuity, Hexion's brands shine wherever innovation is valued.

ArmorBuilt™ Wildfire Shield

When heated by fire, ArmorBuild Wildfire Shield swells to protect the pole and help prevent catastrophic failure.

Casco® Resins

Versatic™ Acids

Products by Application

Hexion's products have been trusted for decades to enhance a wide range of applications, from adhesives and coatings to building materials, thanks to our extensive formulation expertise.



Chemical Intermediates

Products by Chemistry

Delve into the intricate world of chemical solutions. With a meticulous blend of expertise and innovation, we present a diverse array of chemical platforms, each finely tuned to address your unique requirements.